Three Horizons 三本の水平線

Making process 制作プロセス

Plan of Gallery KUNST ARZT

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons
アトリエに画廊と同じサイズの囲いをつくって、届いた遮水シート(150x2000cm 厚さ1.5mm) を広げて当たりをつける。
Real size simulation in the studio with water-shielding-sheet (150x2000cm, t1.5mm).

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons
シート2枚をつなぎ合わせ、巾285cmとする。 Two sheets put together to make it 285cm wide.

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons
simulation of wrinkles within the real size of exhibition space.

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons
Making "a ground" with woods panel in the exhibition space.

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons
Covering the wooden ground with the water-shield-sheet.

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons

INOUE Akihiko_Three Horizons
くぼみに水を入れる。 Pouring the water into the hollow in the ground. (photo: Mitsuhiro Okamoto)