Design of guide plates for the Lake Biwa Canal 琵琶湖疏水案内板デザイン


はじめに introduction


琵琶湖疏水に関わる一連の案内板のデザインは、京都市立芸術大学130周年を記念した2010年の「Trouble in Paradise/生存のエシックス」展(京都国立近代美術館主催)における井上明彦のプロジェクト《水のゆくえ:アクアカフェ》をきっかけにしている。琵琶湖疏水はその歴史的重要性にもかかわらず、京都市の財政難によってその意義が広く恒常的に市民にアピールされず、一部の人々に注目・愛好されるのみであった。同じ2010年、琵琶湖疏水は120周年を迎えたが、事態は変わらなかった。




The Lake Biwa Canal, founded in 1890, is one of most important infrastructure which had led the old capital KYOTO to a modernized city.

The stating point of my design of several guide plates for The Lake Biwa Canal was my art project "Aqua-café" in 2010 on the occasion of exhibition entitled "Trouble in Paradise/Medi(t)ation of Survival" which was organized by Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art. By the year 2010, the Lake Biwa Canal was not so widely honored despite of its 120 anniversary because of city's financial strain. My project "Aqua-café" was about the modernity of Kyoto city by making an architectural construction with water from Lake Biwa Canal and earth from west end of Kyoto city. The director of Lake Biwa Canal office Shigeki Okamoto asked me to design guide plates to commemorate the Canal and I tried to incorpotate the 7 guide plates into my project: 6 guide plates of tablets on the gateways of 3 tunnels and 1guide plate of the Fist Pit Shaft of Lake Biwa Canal.

After the exbitision, I continued to design 4 guide plates in Lake Biwa Canal at the request of Waterworks Bureau of City of Kyoto.

In 2020 The Lake Biwa Canal was selected as Japan Heritage and widely honored.

トンネル出入口 扁額案内板 Guide plates of 6 Tablets (map 1~6)

琵琶湖第一疏水には、琵琶湖側から第1、第2、第3の3つのトンネルがあり、それぞれの出入口の上に、山県有朋ら、明治の元勲6人による 6つの扁額が掲げられている。疏水事務所の委嘱により、その内容を解説する案内板6点をデザインした。

The canal has three tunnels at its beginning, each of which has a tablet at both entrance and exit. The letters inscribed on the six tablets were written by elder statesmen in the days of the Meiji Restoration. Commissioned by the Canal Office, I designed 6 guide plates of each tablets with new design of map of Lake Biwa Canal and silhouette of section of the Tunnel.

琵琶湖疏水扁額案内板第1トンネル入口1_第1トンネル入口部の扁額(伊藤博文) Guide plate of the tablet on the entrance of the first tunnel

琵琶湖疏水扁額案内板第1トンネル出口2_第1トンネル出口部の扁額(山県有朋) Guide plate of the tablet on the exit of the first tunnel

琵琶湖疏水扁額案内板第2トンネル入口3_第2トンネル入口部の扁額(井上馨)Guide plate of the tablet on the entrance of the second tunnel

琵琶湖疏水扁額案内板第2トンネル出口4_第2トンネル出口部の扁額(西郷従道) Guide plate of the tablet on the exit of the first tunnel

琵琶湖疏水扁額案内板第3トンネル入口5_第3トンネル入口部の扁額(松方正義) Guide plate of the tablet on the entrance of the third tunnel

琵琶湖疏水扁額案内板第3トンネル出口6_第3トンネル出口部の扁額(三條實美)Guide plate of the tablet on the exit of the third tunnel

- commissioned by Canal Office / Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau
- size: 900x900mm
- material: inkjet print sheet mounted on SUS
- date: november 2009



第一竪坑案内板 Guide plate of First Pit Shaft(map 7)


The First Pit Shaft is the pivotal point of the construction of Lake Biwa Canal.
If the First Pit Shaft had not been realized, the first tunnel would not be completed, and if the first tunnel had not been realized, the Lake Biwa Canal which led the city of Kyoto to a modernized city would be realized.
So we can say that the First Pit Shaft is a vertical birth canal of modern city of Kyoto. But Few know this historical fact.
Following Guide plates of 6 tablets, commissioned by Canal Office, I designed the Guide plate of First Pit Shaft as a part of "Aqua-café Project".



The prototype of "Aqua-café" which I had made in front of Kyoto national museum of modern art in 2010 was this First Pit Shaft. And this guide plate was a part of the installation of "Aqua-café". This guide plate is in Japanese only by lack of space.

- commissioned by: Canal Office / Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau
- size: 900x900mm
- material: inkjet print sheet mounted on SUS
- date: jury 2010


琵琶湖疏水第一竪坑案内板設置状況第一竪坑案内板 設置状況 installation view of the Guide Plate of the First Pit Shaft (May 5, 2012)



蹴上インクライン三十石船案内板 Guide Plate of Keage Incline(map 8a, 8b)


After the donation of the replica of the cargo which represents the transportation by boat in the past, Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau commissioned me the design of two Guide Plates of Incline.
The one is for east side of the boat in autumn 2014, and the second is for west side in spring 2015.

蹴上インクライン案内板東側蹴上インクライン三十石船案内板(東側) Keage-incline Guide Plate (east side)

蹴上インクライン案内板_西側蹴上インクライン三十石船案内板(西側) Keage-incline Guide Plate (west side)


Through the research, I found that the old railway on the slope were of BARROW STEEL in 1887 and very precious in the world, so I arranged the silhouette of the section of the rail. The backgound was divided by the same angle of inclination of the slope.

- commissioned by Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau
- size: 900x900mm(2 pieces)
- material: inkjet print sheet mounted on SUS
- date: (east side) october 2014
- date: (west side) march 2015






四宮船溜案内板 Guide Plate of Shinomiya Dock(map 9)


Since 2015, the project of restoration of Lake Biwa Canal Boat Traffic had been started.
In 2017, comissioned by Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau, I designed the Guide plate of Shinomiya Berth which will be one of the boarding places.

四宮船溜案内板 Guide plate of Shinomiya Boat Reservoir

デザインでは、疏水工事を記録した田村宗立の『山科運河図 四ノ宮』を配し、背景には船溜の地図を図化したものを用いた。

The drawing is by Souryu Tamura(1846-1918). On the background the map of the place is arranged.

- commissioned by Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau
- size: 900x900mm
- material: inkjet print sheet mounted on SUS
- date: november 2017


蹴上インクライン ドラム工場案内板 Guide Plate of Keage Incline Drum Plant(map 11)


On January 2018, I was asked the design of the Guide Plate of Keage-Incline Drum Plant by Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau.
The Drum Plant was located at the north side of Nanzenji Berth. It was the operation center of the Keage Incline and was planned to be open to public as an important part of Lake Biwa Canal Tourism project at the end of March 2018.
I also proposed a way of seeing the interior of the drum plant into which one cannot enter.

蹴上インクラインドラム工場案内板 guide plate of the drumplant for Keage-Incline



- commissioned by Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau
- size: 900x900mm
- material: inkjet print sheet mounted on SUS
- date: march 2018


南禅寺水路閣調査案内板 Guide Plate of Nanzenji-temple Suirokaku inspection (map 10)


Crack was found on the column and this plate, installed on to existing wall, informs the inspection

- commissioned by: Lake Biwa Canal Office / Kyoto City Waterworks Bureau
- size: 1080x670mm
- material: inkjet print sheet mounted on aluminum composite plate
- date: june 2012

南禅寺水路閣調査案内板 Nanzenji Suirokaku research guide plate

南禅寺水路閣調査案内板水路閣調査案内板 設置状況 installation view of the Guide Plate of Nanzenji-temple Suirokaku Research(August 2, 2012)

