Angel's Eye 天使の眼

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95

installation view

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95
INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95
INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95
INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95
INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95 「天使のお手つき」。テーブルと同じ大きさの円盤を壁に描く。白と黒をしばしば塗り替える。

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eyes,1993-95

INOUE Akihiko_Angel Eye,1993-95


1993.12.5 - 1995.3.26
自由工場 9階(岡山市大供1-2-3)


Angel's Eye

December 5, 1993 - March 26, 1995
Free Factory, Okayama, Japan

installation with peeling of floor tiles, knitted clothes, metal bowls, water, light bulb, light shades, 2 tables and 2 benches, buoys, flower petals, toys, aclyric paint etc.




What is not human sees the human world from the window of the room which is destined to be destroyed in one and a half years....

On the 9th floor of Daiku Building at the center of Okayama City in which Free Factory - an alternative art space - was located, I turned a room into an "eyeball" by peeling floor tiles and by installing blue knitted clothes, light bulb, light shades, buoys, flower petals, toys, metal bowl, water and wall painting.

This room as an eyeball was also used for an obsevatory, a cafe or an event space for one and a half years.
